Friday, February 7, 2020


In Heringhausen there is even a free beach, where you will find next to the large lawn and a kiosk, showers and play equipment for children in the water and on the beach. October is your last chance to get in on the area’s awesome Steelhead fishing. Head to the local rivers to enjoy this incredible species, alongside Salmon and anadromous Dolly Varden. Locat­ed towards the head of Tut­ka Bay on the north side is Tut­ka Bay Falls. The beach in front of the falls is a good spot for clam dig­ging, pink salmon fish­ing and just loung­ing around. Explore along the trail that par­al­lels the water­fall and take a back­coun­try show­er in one of the pools.

homer lake fishing

No saugeye were collected during the May 2019 survey. In the fall of 2019, a night survey was completed to collect saugeye and were collected at a rate of 14 per hour and ranged in length from 7 inches to 21.5 inches. If you prefer to organize things yourself, there are several fish processing companies in town. They will fillet, vacuum-seal, and flash-freeze you fish, ready for transport and in line with FAA guidelines. You can then take it on your plane, or have it shipped straight to your doorstep. These sheltered waters are just a short hop across Kachemak Bay and hold a range of species.

See the top baits that hook Largemouth bass here.

Homer fishing charters can get you on unimaginable amounts of big, tasty fish. Spend a day battling monster King Salmon, “barn door” Halibut, or deep-water delicacies like Rockfish and Lingcod. What you catch is up to you, with a trip for every combination. Whatever you choose, you’ll end the day with enough fresh fillets to feed an army. Homer is the hal­ibut cap­i­tal of Alas­ka, and this long­time char­ter com­pa­ny offers a blue-chip way to get to the fish. They have high-qual­i­ty boats, expe­ri­enced cap­tains, and enthu­si­as­tic crews — as well as an inside line on find­ing hal­ibut, rock fish and sil­ver salmon.

homer lake fishing

However, even that comes with a couple of options. Here are the main ways to do it, and the pros and cons of each one. Halibut is the star of the show, but Homer’s Salmon fishing is also legendary.

Baits and catches from Homer Lake

Presented below are Tour Companies that offer guided fishing trips and/or fishing equipment rentals for lakes and rivers in and near Homer. Click on any name for more detailed information. Most charters don’t start until summer, but freshwater anglers can enjoy ice fishing for Salmon and Dolly Varden. If you’re the hardy type, head to the Spit for Halibut and other food fish.

homer lake fishing

All five Pacific Salmons show up to spawn here. You can catch them in saltwater by trolling or “mooching” (drifting plug-cut baits). Once they hit freshwater, fly fishing is the name of the game. Kenai Peninsula is a pilgrimage site for fly fishing fanatics from around the world. It’s not hard to sell Homer as a fishing destination.

Caribou Lake

Josh was helpful and pointed out whales, otters, and took us to where the seals hang out. December can be a hard time this far north, but Homer defies the dark with seasonal cheer and colorful lights. If the lakes have frozen over properly, you can head out in search of great ice fishing, too. During the most recent fish survey, 133.3 bass per hour were collected using DC electrofishing.

Lastly, trips are categorized mainly by what they target. There aren’t really any downsides to charter fishing other than the fact that you can’t catch Halibut on Wednesdays . Of course, charters are always going to be more expensive than fishing on your own. But if you came all this way, it’s worth investing a little extra to enjoy world-class angling.

What to Catch: Homer’s Top Fish Species

These charters generally last 10 hours, but you can also head out on overnight adventures to fish the most remote spots and reel in two days’ worth of fish. Homer is famous for its Flatfish, but you shouldn’t overlook the amazing Salmon fishing here. King and Silver Salmon hit trophy sizes in the waters very close to town. You can also catch every other Pacific Salmon species during their summer spawning runs. Salmon trips are great fun, and are a no-brainer on days when Halibut is closed for harvest. This is the “Halibut Fishing Capital of the World” after all.

homer lake fishing

Of course, you can still use the full version of Go-Alaska on your mobile device just as you can on your desktop. The weather may be anything from pouring rain and windy to dead flat calm and sunny, and often on the same trip, so pack rain gear, along with food. However, don't get carried away; space is at a premium on boats, and there’s not always going to be room for, say, a big ice chest.

You can catch Halibut from shore, but it’s more common to jig or bottom fish for them from a boat. Wrestling with monster Flatfish sure works up a serious appetite. Luckily, Halibut is one of the most premium food fish in the world. One fish can feed the family for a week, with plenty left to ship back home. There are dozens of fish you can target in Alaska, but the vast majority of anglers go after just a handful of them.

homer lake fishing

We haven’t even started on the endless streams around Homer. This may be “The Halibut Fishing Capital of the World” but Kenai Peninsula also has some of Alaska’s best Trout and Salmon streams. Drive or hike out to wet a line in pristine waters full of trophy fish. If you’re just in it for the experience, all you really need is a license and a rod.

You don’t get called the “Capital of the World” without some big fish to back it up, and Homer’s Halibut bite is outstanding. An average day often sees fish weighing in the triple digits. And bear in mind that even a humble 20-pounder packs enough punch to give you a workout. In this article, we break down what makes Homer’s fishing so special and how you can get the most out of it.

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